
It will be possible to get a higher medical education at SevSU

In 2022, Sevastopol State University received a license to conduct educational activities in the areas of training "Medical Biophysics", "Medical Cybernetics", "General Medicine", "Nursing".

In 2022, Sevastopol State University received a license to conduct educational activities in the areas of training "Medical Biophysics", "Medical Cybernetics", "General Medicine", "Nursing". The Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Health Care will be established in SevSU in 2023.
In 2023, the Government of Sevastopol, at the expense of the regional budget, plans to recruit 50 medical students undergoing training under targeted training agreements from among the graduates of Sevastopol schools.

The Governor of the city of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhayev entrusted providing 5 million rubles in the city budget for a targeted recruitment, which will be supervised by the Department of Health.

"We have appealed to the Governor of the city of Sevastopol with a proposal that the first set in 2023 should be a target set of the City Government with mandatory employment of graduates in hospitals, polyclinics and other medical institutions of Sevastopol. Agreements on targeted training will be concluded, and those who enroll will have an obligation to work for at least three years in their chosen specialty. Despite the fact that in Simferopol there is a powerful Medical Academy with great traditions, the problem with medical professionals has existed for many years, and it is obvious that there is a "niche" in Sevastopol that requires additional measures for medical education. We plan to make an official decision to create an Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Health Protection in the structure of the University at the next meeting of the Academic Council. All clinical departments will be opened on the basis of medical institutions of the city," the Rector of SevSU Vladimir Nechaev said.

Two directions of study: Medical Biophysics and Medical Cybernetics are closely related to the research and development in the field of biophysics already underway at the University and work with high-tech equipment and scientific activities of the university in order to train specialists in the field of high-tech medicine.

The Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev instructed to ensure "full support and even encourage those who wish to teach at the university" in order to provide the University with teachers from among doctors with degrees.

For reference: currently in Sevastopol, the situation with staffing of medical institutions of the healthcare system with doctors is extremely difficult. More than 600 vacant positions for doctors remain vacant, and the situation is particularly acute in the primary care.

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