The First International Youth Forum-Festival "Territories of Success" was held in Egypt from February 9 to 12
The international representation of the All-Russian public movement "Volunteers of Victory" and the Russian House in Egypt organized a unique event for young people.
The Forum-Festival is aimed at promoting the disclosure of the potential of adolescents and youth living in Egypt, participating in support programs of talented young people and international exchanges, obtaining socially useful knowledge and skills for self-realization in the interests of economic, civic and cultural development of Russia and Egypt.
The Forum was attended by representatives of Sevastopol State University: the Head of the Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Movement "Volunteers of Victory" in the city of Sevastopol, the director of the Volunteer Center of SevSU Nikulina Alexandra and the specialist of the representative office of Sevastopol State University in the Syrian Arab Republic Salloum Maria.
The presentation was devoted to the role of the University in the development of youth organizations and international youth cooperation. Experts told about the peculiarities of the organization of student communities and volunteer organizations in the city of Sevastopol, shared their experience in organizing international youth cooperation, invited Egyptian young people to come to the city of Sevastopol for training.
"It's nice that young people from different countries are interested in Russia's experience in the development of youth policy. SevSU took part in the first volunteer School of the Russian House in Yerevan, today we are talking about the University in Egypt”.
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